Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sacred Union

Sa­cred Union
I feel your life giv­ing love pour­ing on me like the sun pour­ing down on this earth deep into the gound I feel my love for you ris­ing like a for­est to the heav­ens and be­tween these forces these tremen­dous holy forces life flour­ish­es Every union that begets love is a sa­cred union Love is the force in life that makes ev­ery­thing right yet it's elu­siove so hard to find got to love with our hearts can't love with the mind Be­tween the earth and the sun lies a dis­tance a per­fect space and ev­ery­thing we know as life de­pends on that ce­les­tial em­brace that same acred space lies be­tween every liv­ing being you can fill it with love and your inner peace and the fear that keeps us apart just has to re­lease Every union that begets love is a sa­cred union Copy­right 2010 Jaiia Earth­schild-Techau Jaiia Earth­schild, key­boards, vo­cals David Techau, drums, vo­cals Bo Shores, Elec­tric 12-string

Jaiia Earthschild-Techau 808-876-0707 


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